Join parents’ demand at COP26 for no new fossil fuels
Join parents’ demand at COP26 for no new fossil fuels
Parents For Future Global
Parents For Future Global

This COP26 parent letter represents one of the biggest mobilisation of parents on any issue ever. It is a joint effort by two global sister networks, Parents For Future Global and Our Kids' Climate alongside Moms Clean Air Force (U.S.), Warrior Moms (India), Mums For Lungs (U.K.) and the Ella Roberta Family Foundation (U.K.), and many other parent-climate groups. Join us by signing this letter.

Parents For Future Global
Parents For Future Global

This COP26 parent letter represents one of the biggest mobilisation of parents on any issue ever. It is a joint effort by two global sister networks, Parents For Future Global and Our Kids' Climate alongside Moms Clean Air Force (U.S.), Warrior Moms (India), Mums For Lungs (U.K.) and the Ella Roberta Family Foundation (U.K.), and many other parent-climate groups. Join us by signing this letter.



Cessez le financement de tout nouveau projet d’énergie fossile


Cher chefs d’État, négociateurs et Président de la COP26.

Nous sommes des millions de parents des quatre coins du monde qui écrivons de la part de nos enfants que nous adorons. Nous vous demandons de cesser le financement de tout nouveau projet d’énergie fossile dès maintenant.

Nos enfants sont exposés aux polluants toxiques issus des carburants fossiles à chacune de leurs respirations. L’utilisation de ces carburants est aussi un facteur clé de la crise climatique qui hypothèque le futur de nos enfants et ruine notre planète.

La pollution atmosphérique issue de la combustion des carburants fossiles et des feux de forêts et de brousse -rendus catastrophiques dû à la crise climatique- s’incruste dans le corps de nos enfants, affectant le développement de leurs poumons, cerveau et cœur. Ils causent et aggravent les maladies chroniques de l’asthme au cancer. Les nouveau-nés sont empoisonnés avant-même qu’ils naissent par la suie que leur mère respire puisqu’elle traverse la barrière placentaire, ce qui augmente les chances de naissance prématurée.

La pollution de l’air entraîne aussi des enjeux de santé mentale chez nos enfants tel que l’anxiété et la dépression, ajoutant au sentiment de détresse face à leur futur. Un milliard d’enfants font présentement face à un risque extrêmement élevé et immédiat face aux effets dévastateurs des impacts de la crise climatique. Les enfants issues de minorités visibles et marginalisés sont les plus affectés.

Si les décisions que vos gouvernements prennent lors de la COP26 et au-delà ne priorisent pas immédiatement une réduction rapide des émissions et un arrêt de l’utilisation des énergies fossiles -charbon, pétrole et gaz- les dégâts à la santé de nos enfants et du climat seront bien pires et plus rapides qu’anticipé, tel que démontré par le GIEC.

Le chemin vers un futur plus sain et stable est aussi très clair. Une des mesures essentielles est d’arrêter de subventionner la prospection de nouvelles énergies fossiles. Vous pouvez agir dès maintenant puisque présentement l’exploitation de toutes les réserves connues réchauffera notre planète bien au-delà des 1,5 ºC tout en continuant de polluer l’air que nos enfants respirent. De dépenser l’argent des contribuables pour en trouver davantage relève de la folie.

Les experts, incluant le GIEC, l’AIE, économistes, investisseurs, entre autres, ont expliqué qu’il est nécessaire et possible d’arrêter le développement de nouvelles énergies fossiles dès maintenant. Il se peut que vous ne les ayez pas entendus. Nous nous assurerons que vous nous entendrez.

Nous sommes un mouvement global de parents qui prend de l’ampleur. Quotidiennement, nous prenons des décisions pour le bienêtre à long-terme de nos enfants et ici, à la COP26, vous faites de même. Vous avez une opportunité et une responsabilité unique de protéger tous les enfants, présents et futurs.

Nous savons que ce n’est pas facile. Les énergies fossiles font partie prenante de nos économies et des groupes d’intérêts très bien subventionnés vont continuer à endiguer nos efforts. Mais le temps des excuses est terminé.
Nous sommes la plus grande collaboration de parents unis face à une problématique historique, nous vous implorons de prendre les mesures nécessaires à la sauvegarde de la santé et du futur de tous les enfants.
Nous vous demandons de prendre les mesures nécessaires pour cesser le financement et l’autorisation de toute nouvelle exploitation d’énergie fossile dès aujourd’hui.

Vous vous êtes déjà engagés à respecter les Accords de Paris et à prendre toutes les mesures nécessaires pour limiter le réchauffement climatique à 1,5ºC. Tous les chefs d’État sont conscients que les pays en développement on besoin de bien plus de support en termes de ressources financières et technologiques pour faire cette transition et se libérer des énergies fossiles.

Alors que nous étreignons nos enfants, nous craignons pour leur santé et bienêtre futur. Nos enfants sont le futur, et ils en méritent un.

Nous vous enjoignons à faire tout le nécessaire afin de protéger nos enfants.

Bien à vous,




Signatories calling for leaders at COP26 to end new fossil fuel exploration for the sake of our kids


Earth Mamas International
Mama’s Footprint
Our Kids' Climate
Parents For Future Global
Parents for the Planet
Parents of the World
Blossom Antenatal
Conscious connected parenting
Parenting in a Changing Climate Group
Parents for Future Africa group
Permanent Referendum
Woke Mamas
World Moms Network


Parents For Future Argentina
Comunidad y Cambio Asociación Civil


Australian Parents for Climate Action
Australian Parents For Climate Action Melbourne
ACT Sustainability Network
Ainslie Sustainability Group
AP4CA Newcastle
Australian Parents for Climate Action - East Sydney
Australian Parents For Climate Action - South Gold Coast
Australian Parents for Climate Action Blue Mountains
Australian Parents for Climate Action Brisbane
Australian Parents for Climate Action Canberra
Australian Parents for Climate Action Illawarra
Australian Parents for Climate Action Nipaluna/Hobart
Australian Parents for Climate Action Spearwood
Australian Parents for Climate Action: South Brisbane
Belgrave Lake Park Cottage Playgroup
Bendigo Family Nature Club
Cairns Scuba Mums
Centre for Climate Safety (previously Parents for Climate Safety)
Clarence Climate Action
Cloth bums - Greater Western Sydney
Coffs Coast Climate Action Group
Connecting 2 Culture
Cooma Mums
Darwin Parents for Climate Action
Eco Friendly Periods 4 Vic Schools
Geelong & Bellarine - Australian Parents For Climate Action
Gloucester NSW Environment Group
Gloucester Pre School & Early Years Learning Centre
Gloucester Transitions
Hawthorn grandparents, Adelaide
Hornsby Shire Climate Action
Inner North Melbourne Parents for Climate Action
Inner West Sydney Families for Climate Action
Knitting Nannas Against Gas
Knitting Nannas Balonne Loop
Knitting Nannas Hunter Loop
Newcastle Institute
North Gold Coast Parents and Friends for Climate Action
North Tasmania Australian Parents for Climate Action
Ocean Youth
Pakenham - Australian Parents for Climate Change
Parents for Climate Action Cairns
Parents for Climate Action North Shore
Periwinkles Family Day Care
Play For Change Tasmania
Safe Streets to School
Social Justice Advocates of the Sapphire Coast - Forces for Nature group
Social Workers for Climate Action
South Australian Parents for Climate Action
Southern Highlands Parents for Climate Action
Southern Sydney Christian Climate Coalition
Spell it out 100%
Sunshine Coast Australian Parents for Climate Action
Sydney AP4CA
Sydney Cargo Bikes
Tamworth Parents and Friends for Climate Action
The Wild South
The Wilderpeople
Thrive For Future
Thrive for future NEWCOMB
Thrive For Future, Friday's For Future
Wow Woy community garden
You Tell Our Kids


Parents For Future Baden
Parents For Future Klosterneuburg
Parents For Future Oberösterreich
Parents for Future Purkersdorf
Parents for Future Tirol
Parents For Future Vienna
ParentsForFuture Austria
Parrnrs for Future Vorarlberg


@econologics, ecoNVERGE & CLEANconnect
Families for Climate
Grand-parents for the Climate
Mères au Front Belgique


Famílias pelo Clima


Youth and Children for Development


Mères au front
Mères au front Brome-Missisquoi
Mères au front Montréal
Pour nos enfants / For Our Kids Montreal
Babies for Climate Action - Vancouver
For Our Kids Canada
For Our Kids North Shore
For Our Kids Sunshine Coast
For Our Kids Vancouver
Fridays For Future Vancouver
Grand(m)others Act to Save the Planet GASP
Mères au front - Rive-Sud
Mères au front de Laval et ses allié.e.s
Mères au front de Rouyn-Noranda et leurs allié.es
Mères au front d’Abitibi-Ouest
Mères au front Outaouais
Mères au Front Prescott-Russell
Mères au front St-Jean-sur-Richelieu
Mères au front-Manitoba


Fundacion Horizonte ciudadano


Parents for future latam
Parents For Future Colombia


North Cyprus Mums


Rodiče za klima Liberec


Klimaforældrene - Parents for Future Denmark


English play group in Quito


Aktivistimummot - Activist Grannies
Finnish Climate Grandparents - (Ilmastoisovanhemmat - Klimatmor- och farföräldrar)


Parents for future
Parents Pour Le CLimat
Unis Pour Le Climat


Christians for Future Leverkusen
P4P Hamburg
Parents for Future Germany
AG StopÖkozid@
Artists4Future Nbg
Bremen parents for future
Christians for Future
Christians for Future Brandenburg
Extinction Rebellion Familien
Extinction Rebellion Familien Göttingen
Fossil Free Berlin
Fridays for Future Landshut
Grantparents Hannover
Klimatreff Werl
O4F Kempten
Oldies for Future Nürnberg
Omas for Future Würzburg
Omas for Future, Regional Group Allgäu
OS klimaneutral
P4F Marktoberdorf
P4F Munich
Parents for Future Bad Hersfeld
Parents for Future Bad Krozingen
Parents for Future Bensheim/Bergstraße
Parents For Future Berlin
Parents for Future Bielefeld
Parents for Future Bonn
Parents for Future Bornheim/Swisttal/Weilerswist
Parents For Future Bruchsal
Parents for Future Buchholz
Parents for Future Darmstadt und Umgebung
Parents for Future Dresden
Parents for Future Duisburg
Parents for Future Düsseldorf
Parents for Future Essen
Parents for Future Eutin
Parents for Future Freiburg
Parents for future Göttingen
Parents for Future Gütersloh
Parents for Future Hamburg
Parents for Future Hameln / Weserbergland
Parents for Future Hannover
Parents For Future Heidelberg
Parents for Future Heilbronn
Parents for Future Herford
Parents for future Herzogenaurach
Parents for Future Juelich
Parents for Future Kassel
Parents for Future Köln
Parents for future Kreis Viersen
Parents for Future Landeshauptstadt Wiesbaden
Parents For Future Lemgo
Parents for Future Leverkusen
Parents for Future Mainz
Parents for Future München
Parents for Future Münster
Parents for future Neukirchen-Vluyn
Parents For Future Nordfriesland
Parents for Future Nürnberg
Parents for Future Oberhausen
Parents for Future Oberhavel
Parents For Future Oldenburg
Parents for Future Osnabrück
Parents for Future Oy-Mittelberg
Parents for Future Ravensburg
Parents For Future Teltow-Fläming
Parents for Future Tübingen
Parents for Future Uckermark
Parents for future Wetterau
Parents for future Winsen
Parents for Future Wismar/NWM
Parents for Future Würzburg
Parents4Future Bocholt
Parents4future Deggendorf
Parents4Future Frankenthal
Parents4future Ortsgruppe Aachen
ParentsFor FutureBorken
Parentsforfuture Altkreis Lüdinghausen
ParentsForFuture Regensburg
People and Parents for Future Mannheim
People for Future Frankfurt
PFF Schwerin
PfF Sonthofen


Strategic Youth Network for Development


My Right To Breathe
Parents against Pollution
Saviour Convent School Group
Shemrock Rampurhat Pre school
Warrior Moms
Warrior moms Punjab


Elders for Earth
Parents for future
Mayo Mums


Parents for Climate Israel
(Tel Aviv - Yafo parents association (P.T.A
Parents for climate - Jezreel Vally
Parents for climate - Ness Ziona
Parents For Climate - Tel Aviv
Parents for Climate Israel - HaSharon
Parents for Climate Kiryat Tivon
Parents for Future Modiin
Parents for future TLV - Compost team


Parents for future Italia
Casa dei bimbi
Extinction Rebellion Families Trentino - South Tyrol
Parents for future
Parents For Future Arezzo
Parents For Future Bologna
Parents For Future Castelfranco Emilia (MO)
Parents for future Ferrara
Parents For Future Forlì
Parents for Future Genoa
Parents For Future Lomellina
Parents for future Milano
Parents For Future Palermo
Parents for future Roma
Parents for Future Tortona
Parents For Future Venezia
PFF Melegnano


CASE for Humanity


Dibeen for Environmental Development


Parents for Future Kenya


PFF Latam


Colectiva Zurciendo el planeta
Padres por el Futuro MTY
Asociación Estatal de Padres de Familia de Nuevo León
Comité Ecológico Integral
Gream Team Tonalli
Papás FORMUS por el planeta
PBS (Parents for a Better School) - San Roberto International School Campus San Agustin
Unión Neoleonesa de Familia


ISH Parents Committee
Parents for future
Radical Being Community

New Zealand

Fridays For Future Aotearoa New Zealand
Parents for Climate Aotearoa
Whareroa Farm Education Co-Op
Multiples Canterbury


Children's Centre Library, University of Nigeria, Nsukka.
Equity Watch Initiative
Green Knowledge Foundation
Parents for Future, Nigeria




Fundacja Rodzice Mają Głos
Fundacja "Biegamy z Sercem"
Fundacja "Dziecko w Centrum"
Fundacja Dajemy Dzieciom Siłę (Empowering Children Foundation)
Fundacja Dzieci w Nature
Fundacja Dzieciom POMAGAJ
Fundacja KiDs
Fundacja Mlekiem Mamy
Parent in the City Foundation
Rodzice dla Klimatu Kraków
Rodzice Publicznego Przedszkola nr 3 Niezapominajka w Świebodzicach
Rodziny bez granic / Families without borders
Society Polish Grannies
Stowarzyszenie Rodzice Razem


Associação de Pais da Escola Profº Francisco Sanches
Associação de pais da Escola Secundária Braamcamp Freire
Associação de Pais e Encarregados de Educação da EB1/JI da Garapoa
Associação de Pais e Encarregados de Educação do Jardim de Infancia Fonte Feto
Associação Pais EB2/3 Celeirós
Lisbon for Parents
Parents for future
Parents for Future Porto
Parents For Future Portugal
Parents for Future Portugal - Lisboa

Sierra Leone

Sierra Leone School Green Clubs (SLSGC)


DocUnion NGO
Mother center NEVEDKO
Planet Lover
Rodinné centrum Prešporkovo
Rodinne centrum Racik
Znepokojené matky

South Africa

Earthchild Project
Earthlife Africa
Woman of change


AMPA CEIP Maximiliano Gil Melián
Madres por el Clima
Madres por el clima Región de Murcia
Nais polo Clima


Parents For Future Sweden
Våra barns klimat
#grandparentsforfuture Skarpnäck
FFF Karlstad
FFF Munkedal
FridaysForFuture, Skövde
Grandparents for Future Stockholm
grandparentsforfuture Piteå
Klimatgruppen Österåker
Parents For Future Norrtälje
Parents For Future Umeå
Parents For Future/Dalarna
ParentsForFuture Karlskrona
Parentsforfuture Stockholm
ParentsForFuture Sunne
The Researchers Desk
Våra Barns klimat Huddinge


Genitori per il clima
Grands-parents pour le climat / Klimagrosseltern Schweiz


Children's Climate
Kibengo Youths Care Activists

United Arab Emirates

Warrior moms
XR Grandparents and Elders

United Kingdom

Mothers rise up
Parents For Future UK
XR Families
A Space 2 Grow
Be The Future
Bear Cubs Toddler Group
Better Streets for Grove Park
Big Dreams Little Footprints
Boscastle School Association
Bounds Green Sustainability group
Branching Out Sabden
Buttercup Learning
Carolside Primary School Parent Council
Chalford Greens
Chapel Allerton Primary School Parent and Staff Association
Cheadle Climate Group
Clean School Air
Climate Ready Schools
Coconut nursery
Coconut Nursery Parents
Corpus Christi School Parents’ Association
Crouch End NCT Group 2015
Dance Like a Mother CIC
Dara Learning Group
East End Outside
Eastfield infant and nursery, year 1 parents
Eco Action Families
Eco Colchester Parenting
Extinction Rebellion Hackney Family
FACE - Families Acting on Climate Emergency
Fairlawn parents
Fireflies Forest School
Gavinburn Parent Council
Greenwich Sustainability Hub
HEART Community Group
Hillhead Primary Parent Council
Islington Clean Air Parents
Kid’s Make
Knackered Mums Eco Club
Lake Street Nursery trustees
Little learners
Lockleaze Community Climate Action
Love the leaf
Marshside Primary School PFA
Meanwood Valley Woodchips
Mini Millfielders
Mitcham Parents Network
Mothers Rise Up Scotland
Mothers Rise Up West Midlands
Mothers’ Climate Action Network (Mothers CAN)
Mums for Lungs
Mums For Lungs E17
Nature Fledglings
NCT Gloucester Road 2017
NCT Leeds
New Hinksey School Association
Oldfield Eco Group
Parent Carers Unite
Parents food group
Parents for Future Bedfordshire
Parents for Future Bristol and Bath
Parents For Future Edinburgh
Parents for Future London
Parents for Future Oxford
Parents for future Scotland
Parents For Future Sunderland
Parents For Future SW London
PFF South West London
Planet & People
Plastic Free Combe Down
Rousham Road Green Parents
Rowanbank Environmental Arts & Education
Scarlet Class Trafalgar Infants Parents
Sedgeberrow bumps and babies group
Sheffield Green Parents
Small Actions
Small Stories
Society of Feminist Mothers
Southwell mums
St Julian's School Association
St Vincents Primary PTA
St Werburghs Primary school Green Parents Group
Stepping Hill Antenatal Group December 2019
Stonegate School PTA
Swansea Parents supporters of Youth Strike
Swop Shop Parents
The creative co-op
The Forge Eco Kids
The Friends of Holymead Primary School
The Motherload
Tooting parents network
Walters Way Families Association
Wellfield Infant PTA
West Green kids
Widcombe Schools Green Team
Wild Leaf Play
Woking XR Families
XR Abingdon Parents and Carers
XR Families Haringey
XR Families Leeds
XR South Devon Families

United States

Elders Climate Action
Moms Clean Air Force
Mothers Out Front
Science Moms
Talk Climate
Third Act
US Parents for Climate Action
350Brooklyn Families
All Nations Health Center
Arizona Climate Action Coalition
Belmont mother’s club
Climate Action Families
Climate Dads
Climate Kids Club
Families For a Future
Families for a Livable Climate
Families for Climate
Future Fighters
Highland Community School Parent Board of Directors
Kat Kat Adventure
MAST PTSA Green Champions
Miami Dade county council PTA
Mothers & Others For Clean Air
Mothers Out Front- Westchester Rivertowns
Mother’s together
Noah’s Parents
Parents for Future Denver
Parents For Future Miami
San Carlos mother’s club
Sunrise Kids NYC
The Lilies Project
The Parents' Climate Community
Tinker Tree Play/Care
Trinity Presbyterian Mother’s Group
Vote Like a Madre
Welcome To Earth


Parents for future Uruguay


Parent-Led Climate Vietnam


Manica Youth Assembly Trust

Number of parents-groups that have signed the letter: 490