Press releases

  • Parents call for a global treaty to end fossil fuels ahead of Stockholm+50

    Parents call for a global treaty to end fossil fuels ahead of Stockholm+50

    27 May - Ahead of the 50th anniversary of the first international UN summit on the environment, parents, grandparents and carers from 32 countries have come together to demand a Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty to give children a livable planet.

    Their open letter decries that “the fossil fuel juggernaut continues on like a runaway train with our children’s futures on the track”, demanding that governments step up and phase out the primary cause of the climate crisis: fossil fuels.

    The parents are from 121 climate parent groups across the world including Warrior Moms (India), Rodzice dla Klimatu (Poland) and Parents For Future Nigeria. The parents have gained support for their call from delegates that attended the first Stockholm conference fifty years ago.

    Wilhelm Kulke, a father and grandfather from Germany, who attended the first Stockholm conference in 1972 said: “Today my grandchildren should be able to breathe clean air and live in a healthy environment. If climate protection, energy transition and renewable energy had been on the agenda fifty years ago, we would not have to fight against the negative consequences of climate risks now. These demands must be heard by UN member states in Stockholm today.”

    Dr Karan Singh, former union cabinet minister of India, also a father, grandfather and great grandfather, who attended the first Stockholm conference in 1972 said: “I've been following what has been happening over the last half century and I can only say that it's a disaster. The dependence on fossil fuels is still very strong. We want children to grow up in an atmosphere that is healthy, not lethal like it is now in Delhi and many parts of India. Look at the wildfires that are destroying Australia and California. We need a recommitment to saving the planet, it's the only planet we've got. We have got to give top priority to developing alternative sources of energy.”

    Despite this, national governments plan to continue to approve new fossil fuel production, setting the world on a path to produce more than twice the fossil fuels by 2030 than is consistent with the Paris Agreement’s 1.5ºC target.

    In their letter, the parents, grandparents and carers say “we need a new story, a new chapter for our children. This is why we are joining a growing call on governments to urgently commence negotiations to develop and implement a Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty.”

    Tzeporah Berman, mother of two and Chair for the Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty Initiative, said: “Our children deserve to live in a world that is safe. A world in which they have opportunities and choices and are not struggling from one disaster to the next. One day I imagine that I will tell my grandchildren about this crazy time in history when we clawed at the last intact forests to get at the oil, a crazy time in history when we used to fill our cars and heat our homes with gas and they will barely believe me, because the world will be such a different place. We need a Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty to carve out the future that we want for our children and the future that they deserve.”

    Ana Ancines, Parents For Future Colombia, added: “I brought my children into this world, but I am afraid for their futures. Humanity is in urgent need of rethinking its definition of success, happiness, wealth and progress. My children are two and five, but I don't know what kind of air, water, soil or biodiversity we will have left in a few years time. The extraction and burning of fossil fuels is destroying what we need to survive.”

    The proposed Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty is critically needed to facilitate the international cooperation required to manage a fair and fast global transition away from coal, oil and gas. According to Leanne Brummell, Australian Parents For Climate Action: "In Australia, families have lost everything in bushfires and floods, whilst fossil fuel companies have continued to extract and profit. The Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation treaty is the best chance we have to safeguard our children’s futures. Let’s seize it! We have the technology we need to leapfrog into a renewable energy future."

    Kamila Kadzidłowska, Rodzice dla Klimatu in Poland, added: "Fossil fuels are funding and causing war across the globe. In Poland, we are hosting refugee families from the war in the Ukraine. A war made possible because of Europe's dependence on Russian oil and gas."

    The open letter outlines the parents’ call to world leaders, calling for a new international mechanism with three key pillars:

    • End new expansion of fossil fuel production in line with the best available science as outlined by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) and the United Nations Environment Programme
    • Phase out existing production of fossil fuels in a manner that is fair and equitable, taking into account the respective dependency of countries on fossil fuels, and their capacity to transition;
    • Invest in a transformational plan to ensure 100% access to renewable energy globally, support fossil fuel-dependent economies to diversify away from fossil fuels, and enable people and communities across the globe to flourish through a global just transition.

    The open letter, publicly released today, sees parents join 101 Nobel Laureates, 2,600 academics, 231 parliamentarians, hundreds of prominent youth leaders, a growing group of faith leaders and more than 1,300 civil society organizations that all support the global movement behind the Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty. Ahead of its launch, the parent letter was open to parent climate groups as first signatories, as of today, any parent from across the world can sign their name in support.

    Simon Ezike, Parents For Future Nigeria, said: “I want to have great stories to tell my son. I want to tell him about how the world came together to address climate change, and gave his generation and future ones a habitable world to live in. We need a transition to renewable sources of energy, away from fossil fuels."

    Bhavreen Kandhari, Warrior Moms, India: “In India, families have been sweltering in scorching heat since early May. For parents like us living in the most polluted cities of the world, for our children to have the lungs of a smoker by their teens, through no fault of their own, is absolutely heartbreaking. Even a newborn baby is effectively a smoker in Delhi. We need to change the path we are on for the sake of all our children, their health and future.”

    The full letter and list of signatories is available here


    Parents for Future is a grassroots global network of parent-climate activists inspired by the Fridays For Future movement. It has worked for almost two years for intergenerational climate justice and collaborates closely with youth climate activists, supporting their demands. It envisions a healthy planet where all communities live in harmony with each other and nature. It currently includes hundreds of groups and thousands of parents taking grassroots action.
  • Final spurt to Brussels

    #ParisGoesBrussels bike tour with Eiffel Tower en route to Brussels - Parents for Future climate protectors call for compliance with the Paris climate agreement

    Brussels/Cologne/Leipzig - The Eiffel Tower has already cycled 848 kilometres - through ice and snow, threatened by water cannons and carried by around 500 cyclists to date. There are still 220 kilometres to go. On Wednesday the 2-meter-high symbol will arrive in Brussels when EU policymakers meet - a symbolic activity by Parents for Future Germany, Parents for Future Global and many other climate groups to call for compliance with the Paris climate agreement.

    From December 9-11 there will be several press events with the Eiffel Tower
    (initial dates at the end of this press release)

    "We have received overwhelming support from all over Germany," says Talina Sondershaus (Parents for Future Leipzig). Only 4 weeks ago the Leipzig local group came up with the idea for this tour. "Actually, we first thought that this wouldn't work, especially in Corona times. But then more and more people from all over Germany said, "Yes, I'll join you," says Sondershaus, who is also responsible for organising the route: "The people en route are totally dedicated to get the Eiffel Tower to its destination. They don't let rain, snow and track closures stop them and cycle until deep into the night.”

    In the Dannenröder Forest, the police threatened the Eiffel Tower and our cyclists with water cannons. As member of civil society this was a shocking experience, as one cyclist summarised his experience: "The ‘Danni’ was a revelation for me. I had not thought it possible that in the 30th year of German unification one would again cut aisles through the forest with barbed wire with grim-faced people in uniform. Never before anyone had pointed three water cannons at me setting umpteen helmet-wearers in motion.”

    Profit stands above people in this capitalised society," says Jada Kennedy (Youth for Climate), who will cycle the route in Belgium. "It’s time to stop the polarising and unite with and for the people, for a liveable future", Kennedy explains her commitment to climate protection and #ParisGoesBrussels. Malte Kleinwort (Parents for Future Bonn) will also hand over the Eiffel Tower in Brussels: "The time for ‘sunshine’ policy is over!”

    • So far, around 500 cyclists have biked the Eiffel Tower with a lot of energy and commitment, and many more people have supported the organisation.
    • The core organisation team in Leipzig consists of twelve Parents, who plan the tour in a network with Parents from all over Germany and internationally – like all the other participants on a voluntary basis, alongside work and family.
    • 14 daily stages
    • The longest distance between Limburg and Bonn was 136 kilometres. The last 6.5 hours had to be driven in the dark and in the cold. Arrival was only just before midnight.
    • Between Jena and Erfurt, more than 250 cyclists supported the action.
    • In compliance with Corona regulations, one cyclist rode the longest way in several routes from Leipzig to Cologne.
    • The onset of winter hit the tour in Eisenach, so that the Eiffel Tower and its supporters had to cycle through ice and snow for two days, partly on uncleared paths.
    • In the Dannenröder Forest, the police threatened the Eiffel Tower with water cannons.
    • Together with the Eiffel Tower, the ‘Parents For Future Global’s statement to the EU-Summit’ is part of the luggage. It has been signed by 35 parent groups from 25 countries and will be handed over in Brussels. You can find the statement here:
    • Start: November 26 in Dresden, arrival: December 9-10 in Brussels for the EU Summit

    Press Dates
    Thursday, December 10:
    13:00 - 14:00: Meeting with German MEP Anna Cavazzini
    17:00 - 18:30: Demonstration together with Rise for Climate close to European Council

    Further meetings with EU politicians are scheduled or requested. We will inform you as soon as possible.

    Background information:

    he Paris climate protection agreement is now five years old, and with Fridays for Future we as Parents for Future for more than two years have been calling for its consequential implementation to limit global warming to 1.5°C.

    Shortly before the fifth anniversary of the signing of the Paris agreement by 195 countries, the European Council is meeting and will decide on the concrete climate targets for the EU until 2030. With the recently adopted EU climate law, the European Parliament has set a clear signal for ambitious climate protection - now the countries of Europe must follow suit and take a clear position: Implement the climate agreement at last! Make Paris real!

    The bike tour is part of the global For Future campaigns #MakeParisReal and #FightFor1Point5.

    Staging points of the bikers and further information:


    Parents for Future is a grassroots global network of parent-climate activists inspired by the Fridays For Future movement. It has worked for almost two years for intergenerational climate justice and collaborates closely with youth climate activists, supporting their demands. It envisions a healthy planet where all communities live in harmony with each other and nature. It currently includes hundreds of groups and thousands of parents taking grassroots action.

    „Nie możesz oczekiwać, że matka będzie się biernie przyglądać, jak rujnowana jest przyszłość jej dzieci.”

    25 września 2020 rodzice z całego świata dołączą to młodzieżowych strajków klimatycznych biorąc tym samym udział w międzynarodowym dniu aktywizmu na rzecz klimatu. Młodym zaangażowanym w walkę o klimat udzielą wsparcia rodzice z Brazylii, Nigerii, Indii, Australii, Izraela, Wielkiej Brytanii, Niemiec oraz z Polski.

    Są to rodzice zrzeszeni w międzynarodowym ruchu o nazwie Parents For Future, w skład którego wchodzi 130 organizacji z ponad 27 krajów.

    Częścią ruchu są także Rodzice dla Klimatu z Polski - organizacja oddolna powstała w 2019 roku na fali masowych strajków klimatycznych młodzieży w całej Polsce, która obecnie prowadzi własne działania w celu wywierania presji na polityków i spółki energetyczne oraz aktywizacji i edukacji innych rodziców. Niedawno delegacja rodziców spotkała się z Wiceministrem Klimatu w celu zapytania o odejście Polski od węgla oraz przystąpienie do celu neutralności klimatycznej UE w 2050 roku. Wspierała także prawników Client Earth podczas pierwszego historycznego procesu wytoczonemu PGE GiEK w sprawie zatruwania środowiska i niszczenia wspólnych zasobów przez Elektrownię Bełchatów.

    "Uważam, że moim obowiązkiem jako rodzica jest nie tylko dbanie o teraźniejszość moich dzieci, lecz także troska o świat, w którym będą one funkcjonować za 20... 40… lat. To oznacza wywieranie wpływu na polityków, których dzisiejsze decyzje mają kluczowy wpływ na naszą przyszłość”, mówi Kamila Kadzidłowska matka trójki dzieci zaangażowana w działanie Rodziców dla Klimatu w Warszawie."

    Także w Australii rodzice opowiadają się za przejściem na energię odnawialną i zaprzestaniem stosowania paliw kopalnych. Leanne Brummell z Australian Parents for Climate Action tłumaczy:

    „Nie możesz oczekiwać, że matka będzie się biernie przyglądać, jak rujnowana jest przyszłość jej dzieci. Australijski plan naprawy oparty na gazie jest zagrożeniem dla całego świata, dlatego wielu rodziców jest zdeterminowanych, by doprowadzić do zakazu paliw kopalnych."

    W Brazylii rodzice domagają się od rządu pilnej i skutecznej walki z pożarami w Amazonii i Pantanalu, a także powstrzymania demontażu procedur egzekwowania prawa w celu zwalczania nielegalnego wylesiania. Clara Ramos, matka dwójki dzieci z Parents for Future Brazil, mówi:

    „W ciągu ostatnich 15 lat Brazylia poczyniła ogromny postęp w walce z wylesianiem. Niestety proces ten został przerwany przez obecny rząd. Stwarza to zagrożenie dla realizacji postulatów porozumienia paryskiego, na mocy którego Brazylia zobowiązała się do zerowego wylesiania do 2030 roku. Globalny strajk jest okazją do zwrócenia uwagi brazylijskiego społeczeństwa na ten problem ."

    Rowan Ryrie z brytyjskiego ruchu Parents for Future współorganizuje tzw. “strajk bucików” w Oxfordzie. Akcja ta ma na celu uzmysłowić wpływ kryzysu klimatycznego na przyszłe pokolenia. Ryrie mówi:

    „Potrzebujemy odważnych przywódców, którzy będą myśleć długoterminowo – nie tylko w perspektywie najbliższych wyborów, i działać zdecydowanie w oparciu o wiedzę naukową – troszcząc się o dziedzictwo, jakie dzisiejsze pokolenie zostawi przyszłym. Mam dwoje małych dzieci i motywuje mnie moja miłość do nich. To właśnie dla nich i dla wszystkich tych, którzy dopiero nadejdą, musimy skupić się na walce z emisją CO2 oraz pandemią COVID-19”

    Chen Gazit-Naor, matka dwojga dzieci z Parents for Climate Israel, mówi:

    „Nadszedł czas, aby działać. Chcemy, aby każdy lider na świecie wziął na siebie odpowiedzialność i zaczął podejmować trudne, ale kluczowe dla przyszłości decyzje: powstrzymania korupcji i zanieczyszczenia. Potrzebujemy liderów, którzy stanowczo opowiadają się za ochroną klimatu i bioróżnorodności oraz dążą do rozwiązań, które zapewnią bezpieczną przyszłość naszym dzieciom”.

    Dzień aktywizmu na rzecz klimatu zainicjowany przez Fridays For Future, obejmie szereg działań realizowanych z zachowaniem restrykcji związanych z pandemią i dostosowanych do warunków lokalnych. Wszystkie te działania mają na celu wezwanie polityków do pilnych działań na rzecz klimatu w ramach planów odbudowy gospodarek po Covid-19. Działania podejmowane przez rodziców na całym świecie zależą od kontekstu klimatycznego w ich krajach, obejmują protesty w centrach miast i społecznościach lokalnych, twórcze demonstracje, akcje indywidualne, tj. zbieranie śmieci, pisanie listów i akcje szkolne.

    W czwartek 24 września Parents for Future Global organizują spotkanie online, podczas którego zainteresowani rodzice i dziennikarze z całego świata będą mogli dowiedzieć się więcej na temat działań rodziców na rzecz klimatu. O swoich doświadczeniach w tym zakresie opowiedzą aktywiści klimatyczni z Brazylii, Nigerii, Indii, Australii, Izraela, Wielkiej Brytanii, Niemiec oraz z Polski.

    Parents For Future Global zachęcają również do zaangażowania online w nowy projekt Earth Speaker Olafura Eliassona, który umożliwia małym dzieciom nagrywanie własnych wiadomości i zachęca dorosłych do słuchania głosów dzieci.

    Parents for Future is a grassroots global network of parent-climate activists inspired by the Fridays For Future movement. It has worked for almost two years for intergenerational climate justice and collaborates closely with youth climate activists, supporting their demands. It envisions a healthy planet where all communities live in harmony with each other and nature. It currently includes hundreds of groups and thousands of parents taking grassroots action.

    177 parent groups from 32 countries around the world call for courageous action in a heartfelt open letter.

    As the EU Summit opens on June 18th 2020, 177 parent groups from over 32 countries worldwide have called on the EU to agree and fund a transformative green recovery package for the sake of the next generation.  

    In an open letter, coordinated by Parents For Future Europe, and addressed to the leaders of the European Council, European Commission, and the European Parliament, the parents say:  

    “Our children and future generations are facing an uncertain future due to the climate crisis and accelerating biodiversity loss. The COVID-19 crisis has exposed the dangerous fragility of global socio-economic systems, particularly in the context of a rapidly depleting ecosphere. Our socio-economic system must take a leap forward towards resiliency and sustainability.”  

    In specific, European parents request the European Parliament “our elected representatives” to address the European Council and compel it to use this single opportunity to dedicate the stimulus funding to an ambitious and transformative ecological recovery, a true Green Deal. Stephanie Cunningham, mother of two, from climate-parent group Parents for Future Global/Italia says: “Equitable and sustainable development is possible and is a responsibility the EU institutions have to their citizens.”

    The letter points out that the money spent will become the “debt of our children” in addition to the “massive environmental debt” that they are already faced with. It calls on the EU to ensure that their Covid-19 recovery package is “an investment rather than another cost to our children’s future.”  

    As Christian Zauner, a father from Parents for Future Global in Austria, said: “We believe that the EU institutions have a responsibility to their citizens to promote a just and sustainable global development to secure the future of all our children. The EU's planned funding for the reconstruction of Europe after the COVID-19 crisis must be an investment in a viable, economically sound and grandchildren-proof future." 

    As well as being signed by 13 EU country parent groups, the letter has attracted signatories from parents’ groups in 19 non EU countries who want to encourage the EU to take stewardship and believe that the EU is in a unique position to do so in a historical moment where democracy and internationalism is at threat. Such governance would send a clear policy signal not only to European, but Global markets, as the European Union is the second largest market in the world.

    Amuche Nnabueze, mother of three from Sculptedbasket Project/Parents for Future in Nigeria said: "As a parent with great concern for the future of my children and their generation, in this part of the globe, it is really important that the EU take a positive leadership stance and adopt a real Green Deal at this critical moment in history. Although perhaps not expressed  often enough, this is extremely important for us climate activists in Nigeria as well as the entire global south because this generation looks up to the EU and the global North for positive leadership that can inspire the rest of the planet to implement a sustainable recovery plan”. 

    Flavio Queiroga, father of one from Famílias pelo Clima - Parents For Future, Brasil says:

    “It’s important that Europe, as a social and economically privileged society and the cradle of this very economic system, starts the inevitable change towards a new relationship between humans and the environment. A change that supports humans now and in the future, and allows other beings to live and prosper as well. Over history, Europe has been seen as a model by many cultures. Now, more than ever, we need its leadership for an equitable and sustainable future.” 

    Of central concern to parents is Intergenerational Justice. If incremental changes are not made now, the result would be significantly more disruptive changes on the road ahead. “Given this, we are really at a crossroads and the road you choose will determine whether or not our children will enjoy a quality of life when life itself is at stake”.

    Parents for Future is a grassroots global network of parent-climate activists inspired by the Fridays For Future movement. It has worked for almost two years for intergenerational climate justice and collaborates closely with youth climate activists, supporting their demands. It envisions a healthy planet where all communities live in harmony with each other and nature. It currently includes hundreds of groups and thousands of parents taking grassroots action.