On Monday 9 November, the European Parliament has a last chance to ensure that the nearly €700 billion in emergency Covid-19 recovery funds to be invested in the next seven years are allocated in ways that serve the best interests of our children and future generations.
At a time in history when the world is sinking into a dangerous climate and ecological crisis, a crucial vote will decide whether part of these funds can be deviated towards industries that contribute to the threat of collapse of our living conditions.
As EU parents, we urge the MEPs to fulfil their responsibility to ensure that these funds - to be paid as taxes by us and our children - are not turned into a further burden to the youngest and future generations. We demand that not a single euro of this money is spent to subsidise fossil fuels or other polluting industries.
As global parents from all over the world, we unite and raise our voices for a new sustainable economy exclusively based on the protection and restoration of nature. We cannot tolerate that the interests of polluters are allowed to further compromise our legacy to the children of tomorrow, with resources borrowed from their future.
More info
- EU lawmakers set to open door for recovery funds to support fossil gas
https://www.euractiv.com/section/energy/news/lawmakers-set-to-ignore-environment-committee-and-open-door-for-recovery-funds-to-support-fossil-fuels/ - Fossil fuels could tap into EU green recovery funds with MEPs’ support, Greenpeace European Unit, 02/11/2020
https://www.greenpeace.org/eu-unit/issues/climate-energy/45232/fossil-fuels-industries-tap-into-eu-green-recovery-funds-with-meps-support/ - A letter by the “Green 10”, a group of leading NGO’s active in the EU
https://storage.googleapis.com/planet4-eu-unit-stateless/2020/10/aa6f1581-letter-to-meps-on-excluding-fossil-fuels-from-the-recovery-and-resilience-facility.pdf - Polluters profiting from pandemic bailouts: How the fossil fuel industry is using the COVID-19 crisis to capture public funds and lock in dirty energy, Fossil Free Politics (http://www.fossilfreepolitics.org/#Who-Are-We), 10/2020 https://www.foeeurope.org/sites/default/files/climate_justice/2020/ffp_covid_report_v5-spreads.pdf
- Sign the petition on WeMove.EU
https://act.wemove.eu/campaigns/recovery - Post, share, like and comment social media messages tagging your MEPs, or send them direct messages!
Find the list here
And their contacts here: https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Wikidata:WikiProject_every_politician/European_Union/data/Parliament/Ninth

Photo by Callum Shaw on Unsplash